
16 Game Reviews w/ Response

All 30 Reviews

This is what Newgrounds Culture is all about!

Everything about this game was made for Newgrounds.

In the very core is a fun (and addicting) game with well defined game mechanics for non-stop brawl that everybody can enjoy.

This was a great idea to began with and I can only imagine just how many hours were put into each character's sprite animations, programming, and etc. It was an excellent idea to give each character their one special animation including Pico's breakdancing, Alien Hominid's Chomp, and haha, not to mention Tankmen's infamous Tank, that was purely classic! This IS the pinnacle of Newgrounds Collaboration.

Everything about this was top-notch and as everyone else has mentioned, the art and animation would rival any other 2D game of this sort.

Glad to see an array of cast rumblers that are original to each of its creator (Convict and Alloy) from previous games/animation. I give props to who came up with the + & - of each character, and of course a link to learn more on its respective origins.

I really dig how closely matched the Backgrounds were to its respective characters as well and I lauged the first time, Alien Hominid's Anywhere, USA was chosen. You guys just thought of everything and I enjoyed that!

The Menu system, points system, overall the game mechanics all were spot on. Evil-dog's remix of the old newgrounds theme was very nice choice.

Its true that this game shouldn't be compared to as a Smash-brothers style as its just a genre, and this game completely rocks for this genre. Of course it is pretty funny that you guys work to put sense into a senseless violence type of game, and that again made for a interesting turn of point. Not to mention the similair attacks between P-Bot and the robot from Darkstalkers, haha jk.

With everything that has been put into this, I be hardpressed to put any real criticism. Sure more of anything would be nice but I take what I see.

I only wish there was a "Behind the scene" documentary on how you guys went on creating this collossal of project, as that would be a interesting story but that's just me. I wonder if this is considered a "Newgrounds Original" if you get my drift, heh.

Thanks to Luis, Mindchamber, Negative One, and Evil-dog to bringing such an overtop fantasy to reality. (2-1/2 years to complete, wow).

NegativeONE responds:

"I give props to who came up with the + & - of each character, and of course a link to learn more on its respective origins." Heh, that was actually me, which is kinda funny because the other two have more NG history than I do, but I'm at least well versed in it. Thanks for the comments on the backgrounds as well, that was another fun point for me, heh. I'm soaking this up, because it feels like the first review that boasted the things I contributed most to the game besides the programming. Nonetheless, I can't separate for a moment from the huge contributions everyone made to the project. Mindchamber, the only guy who worked his ass off during such tense final weeks and was equally anticipatory of its release. Marco, who provided a full custom soundtrack. And Luis, who was also there. As far as behind the scenes, I wouldn't mind talking up a storm about the production of the game if enough people cared. We'll see if that demand rises.

A blast in a virtual world.

Haha, once again you astond us all with this incredible-defend-your-virtual-game. This game got be addicted right up to the level10 and this type of gameplay is very unique to newgrounds. Your hard work definitely shines through in this, just the same as your dedication to the first Overrun.

I'm very glad to hear many styles of music from the techtonic to the instrumental in all its musical glory. You even matched up the backgrounds to a song, and it just made it all the more, enjoyable. I really enjoy your loops though, especially that menu loop. Man, thats just perfect.

But the, greatest aspect once again is the action. Ho man, blasting down enemies, in a quick succession is just righteous fun! Great idea with the addition of upgrades as well, players definitely would like some powerups.

I can't say there was no flaws. The one that kinda stick out was the whole repetive nature of it. I guess it would seem, players fight, shop, fight, shop etc. Don't get me wrong, its a great concept and game but perhaps, a goal to reach via the end of game? (A map with all levels shown in progression?) Ha, I wouldn't know.

Overall, very impressive game that is bound to entertain many viewers/players. :-) It definitely looked like you succeeded with what you set out to do.

If this game is any indication, your "7 more kisses" will be highly crafted.

Denvish responds:

Well, if you look at it as partly a 'Defend Your Castle' style game (which was the intention), then most of those don't have a goal as such.... wasn't the end movie reward enough? =( I guess not. Sorry I didn't use any of your audio, I did have a look through it, but none of it really fitted what I was looking for. Currently, I'm just gutted to see the score dropping like a stone, I'll be out of contention for a weekly award at this rate. My own fault for being greedy and getting my hopes up, I suppose... either that, or the competition is too good (which it is).

Thanks for the review

Great fun and gameplay. Be wary of being Overrun!

Great to see Denvish at it again!

The gameplay behind this game is highly addicitng with you(the player) constantly defending against offenders. I found it incredible that you developed this concept/idea without knowing "BeachHead", that takes a creative insight.

The graphics is clean and simple, discerning no confusion. The fluidity of the gameplay is right on with the easy-to-use controls.

All in all, the product is incredible, with addition of some catchy tunes, and with a very fun game engine. The time and effort put into this game can be seen.

Looking forward to your next 7kisses movie!

Denvish responds:

I never saw BeachHead, but I used to play a arcade game yonks ago called 'Battletanks' or 'BattleField', with green line-drawn tanks. It wasn't deliberate, but I think that was probably the inspiration.

Thank you very much for your comments & compliments, it's a pleasure to recieve a review from you.

7 More Kisses is going to be a very long time coming. It's been in development, on and off, for 6 months or more - the AS is mostly sorted, but there are a MASSIVE amounts of graphics to be drawn (1000+ items), and I have to go away and come back to it on an irregular basis. I may well submit other Flashes before it's done, if it ever is.

Random Pics+One face= Mass Photoshop Mayhem!

Hahaha, its funny how "one" face can alter the settings of many pictures. You done something not many (if any) has done. Base a interactive flash on a photoshop topic. Its great to see so many users participate in this, it really added to the diversity (and creatively) of the showcase.

I found the Story amusin so.. so.. commendable!! (Could be the music!)

Neverless, awesome job to everyone who participated and to Regis for taking up the quest!

Its true that a picture is worth a 1000words, but in this case, a face is worth a 1000pictures. :-)

RegisCartoons responds:

Thanky for an awesome review,BahamutReborn ! Yeah, there aren't much files in Portal, which would be based on a BBS topic :) That's right. Ha ha, a face is worth 1000 pics. That could be true. And that face is of my friend actually :)

I kicked a Frog! Lord, forgive me!

haha, oh man. Kermit the frog was quite the character. Well, I can't comment much on this movie except, simple and effective.

-The object: You must figure out a way to kick Kermit the frog.- hahaha.

Your Kermit rendition was accurate. But I found it strange that he is speaking to my boot, (seeing as how the foot comes down immediately).

Keep it real, Shrek. It would be funny to see a collaboration flash between the moderation team.

TheShrike responds:

Everyone should kick frogs. =] Thanks, BR!

A look into a Arist/Cartoonist Sketchbook

Hey, I like your author's comments, very friendly and thoughtful. Your Interface is very slick, another plus! Plus, the variety of musics (and very good choices) were great.

You got a cartoonish type of style, I can tell you love to draw. Well, other than the fact that this is your art and sketchart ;-). And my god, you did plenty of variety of cartoon shows and what not, I enjoyed them. Such a style...

Great stuff Regis, I don't what to say for construtive critisim but theres always something to improve!I noticeds when scrolling through the images in any section, the info button doesn't seem to work. No biggie. Perhaps one day, you wish to become a Cartoonist?

Good luck on your endevours!

RegisCartoons responds:

Hey, BahamutReborn, thank you very much for the supportive review. Your review was really warm and nice - that the main reason why you often get answer to your reviews. Yeah, I love to draw, but I lack techniques. And, yes, of course, there is always place to improve. Thanx one more time and good luck !

Great remake

Well, It could be me but I couldn't see the preloader progress. I like the soundtracks you picked, easy listening.

The Gameplay is fun, excatly like the Old classic. Very fun.

What I suggest is miniture buttons for Pausing the game and adding those 3 soundtracks to a button in gameplay mode. I'm not sure if I would listen to the whole loop for the entire game. ;-)

I like the interface and the artwork, they work well with one another.

Great game, and look forward to your next game (or movie).

Goatchrist responds:

Thank you. I'll think of that in my next game, I'm currently working on a movie :)

I wouldn't call them noobies, perhap New members?

Well, aside from what most people commented about, the choice of music was great. The Harmious ambience for each section gave me a sense of aweness. I enjoyed that. The Readings were also easy to read, good for all.

Also when I clicked on the "Can't change the lolly pop pic" section and clicked on a level pic then return, the volume suddenly increases.

Other than that, if your planning to do another one, I suggest a new interface template. It could add to the overall effect! :-)

Pilot-Doofy responds:

Thanks, several people mentioned the music bug but it'd be more trouble than its worth to go back and fix it. Maybe when I get bored I'll tackle it.

Glad you liked it, I usually use the same music piece in a lot of Flashes that I do. In my other submission I use the same music, I'm making another NG handbook and I'm using the same music in it too haha.

I love that loop for some reason. I always come up with new templates though. Thats what I like about making new stuff.

Well, thanks! :-)

Date gone Astray!??

Hahaha, what type of Holiday would you call this? Valatine's day in the Twilight Zone? Still it was amusing to search for the next "random" effect. The Flames effect was some cool F-B-F. I enjoyed the "rave" scene. The Artwork was well, Great! What can I say about that? Your playing with light effects was cleverly done.

A Funny array of characters but my fav. got to be Pico and his Cry! haha. This is a good game and I would encourage anyone who's reading this, to play this game.

poxpower responds:

took me months to reply...



You heard him you fewels? PLAY THIS GAME RIGHT NOW. Your life depends on it. And please do take that very seriously as it is true. Yep.

Superb Work!

This has got to be one of the greatest Stick Figure Animation I've seen. The Intergration of a Game based on Time and Situation is very fun. You got quite the talent for Frame by Frame animation, art, and style. I also am impressed by the Emotion you placed for the Stick Figures. As well as the sequence of Actions.

I can see where the Ehergiz influence in your movie came from. ;-)

SergeP responds:

wow, only a handfull of people could notice he Ehrgeiz influence since its just a small clip o_o
Since i started the first frame on stickmess i had no idea what i was doing, but it looked cool so i kept on doing it, and then this came out :P
thx for the review

Strive to better yourself.

Richard Sun @WavyGravy

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