AITD, you reached your next plateu.
There is certainly a great attention to detail to each scene, and even more on the characters. The fact that the characters all exhibit a crisp outline tells me that you placed a great emphasis on the hand-drawn quality of the characters.
It's awesome a visual appeal to see your artsyle fluent throughout the entire episode but I can imagine it being quite taxing. It isn't overly complex and kept simple, with appropriate shading.
It must be hard being your own animation studio, and yet you and many others have taken up that task. Truly story tellers, evokes the imagination in all of us. Even now,people watching could be pondering.. "What will happen next?"
I can understand your break from this, this looked to be a fairly arduous task and with many of life's priorities on the line, who would blame you? I know I still have to get off the ground.
I read a few of the reviews here and agree with many of them including you breathing life into these imaginary characters. I believe it is thanks to the facial expression you sculpted and the superb voice actors. They certainly fit the characters they portray. Fine choice of original music as well, and one small thing I really admire that not many artist provide is adequate credits to the other people involved with this project. I'm sure these guys greatly appreciate it.
I completely Disagree with what Squrza had to say about your film. He's nitpicking on small details and the "story does not start and end at each episode" is unavoidable. Sure the length of this episode doesn't give the full scope of the chracters personality BUT you can began to appreciate the characters development in this introductory episode.
AITD, not many would venture in the realm of fairytales, and even more so in a original sense. I'm certainly glad to see this first part completed, its a strong departure from many of your other films. A huge congrats on your frontpage and your awards, and a bigger congrats on finishing this. I'm curious as to what inspiration you drawn and where this is heading, heh, but time and your motivation will all determine that. ;-)